Wednesday, 7 January 2009

baby it's cold outside

Ah, the winter illness of choice: colds.

First port of call is drinks of hot honey and lemon, with ginger syrup and brandy or whiskey. As a second line of defence (and comfort) I follow Bert's rule of 'red wine and something schpicey' - and indeed Mel's spicy Malaysian chicken curry on Monday momentarily let me breathe.  Last night though, I needed a bit of comfort with the spice and didn't have the energy to take any time over it, so fell back on the old faithful of chicken and chorizo stew.

The result of a dish my sister Katie cooks, crossed with a Nigel Slater recipe I chanced upon, it is now dear to my tastebuds.  I made a note about this stew only in September, and the little tinkering changes I made this time were only for the convenience of using up the rest of a swede, and because I found the right pulses this time and used chickpeas... and also a couple of handfuls of red lentils.  I cooked it for longer too, (guessing at the gas mark and timing which I lost from the Nigel receipe) two hours and another 30 mins sans lid. My only note to self - and one I make rather firmly - is that I really have to buy the hot paprika.  The sweet is lovely and smoky, but not quite the wake up that I was looking for.

I am also going to stick to my guns and only use the butchers from now on too: half a dozen chicken thighs and the same of cooking chorizo only came to about 6 pounds. Between the butcher and the return of our veg box this week, we will have everything we need.

Looking back to September made me tidy the blog a bit, publishing a neglected item and deleting notes.  Now last year is tied up it is time to look forward to the new year... just keep away from the 'flu if you can!

Sunday, 4 January 2009

The List

I keep mentioning The List, but can't find it written down anywhere. So, for posterity...

The Fat Duck
El Bulli
River cafe
Locanda Locatelli
St. John

I don't care how obvious they sound, or that they might have closed before I find the money to visit them. Or that my 'top five' appears to be six. Dreaming is three quarters of any pleasure.

Moro has been moved to 'The List of Places to Re-visit'. As has Salt Yard. As has 'bills' in Sydney - only, with bills, I already have my next visit there pencilled in for March. Bring on the ricotta pancakes and sunrise juice! Good times!

The Other List: suggestions and recommendations from friends, of places nearer to home... and budget. And the ones that didn't fit into the top five.

Del Parc (167 Junction road, N19)
Obviously, J. Sheekey
Hoxton Apprentice. Similar to Jamie Oliver's Fifteen, but with a Prue Leith menu and aiming to apprentice not just chefs but also waiting staff etc.

All things dim sum, recommended by both Melly bo and Giles Coren:
Yauatcha, Hakkasan, Royal China.

There should also be a subsection of 'very cheap and possibly dodgy' for those skuzzy places near where I live. To be added.

Salaam-namaste Indian, and Busaba for lunchtime proximity:
[yum. i want the duck massuman curry with coconut rice... or sticky rice... and thai calamari, and jasmin cha and if someone else could order the pad thai jay that would be great, because I want to try that too. if i liked crab then the crab version of pad thai looks good. but i don't, so you can keep it. also, we might as well get some hot sake, right?]