Tuesday 17 June 2014

chorizo cheer

Tonight's speedy, batchelor girl meal was brought to you by necessity, by way of fun: I needed to eat very soon after getting home, having been enjoying myself at choir.

Ever hungry, I get ever so anxious if I eat late; crotchety too, as my sisters will attest! I get home about 9.30 pm on choir nights and this is one of the zippiest get togethers of ingredients, thought up on the spot.

Chorizo sliced (using scissors to save washing up a chopping board), fried in a little pan for 4 mins; cold, leftover new boiled potatoes added and flash-sautéed in the same pan, and all dashed in a bowl with peas. The peas I put, frozen, in a cup and pour over boiling water from the kettle. 

All I needed was a Campari-soda to keep me sharp and some radio 4. 
Happy days!