Our Christmas choirmaster comes from sunny climes and said he didn't truly understand 'In the bleak midwinter' until he lived in the UK.
It sure is bleak and dark and grey. The cold is damp and pervasive, rather than dry as in Scandinavian countries. And January / February are the hardest, longest months. Crisp, blue days are limited, as are beautiful snowfalls to lift the spirits. But I don't mind: there is something necessary about enduring a winter in order to enjoy the spring. And if you don't fight it, but adapt and hibernate, then it can almost be enjoyable.
My native strategy for survival isn't original, but goes along these lines:
- Plan for social life to start in February: say 'no' to everything else.
- Only make plans with your very closest friends; cheering, low maintenance. An exhibition, coffee, Burns night.
- Look forward to work: there is HEATING there.
- Bed early, every night. With blankets, films and mint tea.
- Eat well. Porridge, coffee, stews, carbs.
- I don't need to add exercise as my daily commute involves more than an hour of walking, but it does help
- Luxury item of the past 2 yrs: go away post-Christmas for a couple of nights. Ensure hotel has log fires and is insanely intimate and cosy.
This year is peculiarly isolated, with two of my favourite people overseas and other friends too busy to meet. I find a cafe quite the best antidote to being alone too much.
Yesterday I had a morning coffee in Watch House, Bermondsey street. Coffee in London has blossomed so much in recent years that I barely try to keep up, so I can tell you only that they were nice people, with great coffee and so cosmopolitan that they were unfazed by an off-menu request ('do you do a cortado or piccolo?' was met with 'sure, which would you like'). The blazing little fire didn't hurt either! It is tiny to sit in but very pretty; bare scandi-chic, hyacinth posies, plugs for phones. Beautiful, young things were working earnestly at the other tables, two were setting up a new business.
My other January cafés so far:
Arloe & Moe (of course)
Canela: despite no longer making cheese bread. They do a lovely gallaou.
Frank & Taylor: though an outside cart, the friendliness of the boys keeps you warm!
After a solitary weekend I feel strangely purged and calm. Plus my boyfriend has a defrosted freezer, as a special anniversary gift. Lucky boy!
Knitting in Watch House |