After a series of increasingly bizarre meals, culminating in 'left over curry with sweetcorn to pad it out, with penne pasta' on Friday, I was ready for real food again. Thank goodness for the weekend!
At Deptford's Big Red Bus on Friday night Jamie and I had wonderful pizza. Saturday's falafel salad at Maltby street market had gorgeous crunchy falafel and silky aubergine. We took in the Ladywell Tavern for beers, lovely coffee and cake at Fee and Brown, and late night chips at a local chipper.
After all the excitement and sunshine, Sunday evening felt a little quiet and back-to-school sad. So I made House Salad which, being in the Flamingo house, had to be pink.
- New potatoes; boiled, cooled a bit, and quartered lengthwise
- Cos lettuce chopped or torn
- 2 spring onions, sliced
- 5 cherry toms
- 5 radishes
- The end of a tin of sweet corn
- A skinny fillet of salmon, fried then left to rest
Put it all together with the salmon last, warm, on top. Dash over the frying pan oil, half a lime, and a grind of pepper. Eat while listening to radio 4's 'Boswell's life of Johnson' - delightfully distracting and with Miles Jupp to boot. Enjoy with a bitter Campari and soda, contemplating the sweet / sad nature of life.