Friday 11 March 2011

ploughmans jacket

Last weekend the gent and I built a bed, shifted furniture and generally moved forward a step in transforming space and boxes into a home. We also purchased the most beautiful saucepan ever to grace a kitchen, about which I am still thoroughly excited!

We have had coffee at Sacred and Canela: the former has free wifi and the latter, a free Portuguese custard tart (at certain times). But the real hot tip is the cheese bread in Canela - a heavenly bread-like ball that seems 90% gently molten cheese on the inside. No, don't take my word for it: go and eat. Next time I am having the chorizo version...

Recycling bags were collected from our local - fantastic - library; and a secret gig attended at the Westminster Reference Library. With tables and computers pushed to the edges of the room, and Copyright notices still on the pillars, 'British Sea Power' created a fantastic atmosphere and a brilliant sound. Walking home through Chinatown afterwards made me wonder if four meals a day might be the way to make the most of living in the heart of London...

The bare cupboards and minimal utensils mean cooking is rather low on the agenda, however a mid-week 'Ploughman's jacket' cheered us up considerably. With a table in place, and a cloth to make it look less like the workbench it is, I laid out a hastily-dressed salad, apple and walnut pickle, and a plate of ham, Stilton and tangy Emmental slices. Jacket potatoes were halved and slices of butter pushed into furrows to melt. A rough, but heavenly meal. Quite the best meal of the past week: in fact, the best meal since the farewell Allen road extravaganza. But then, it would be very hard to live up to rabit ragu on pasta, champagne and home made panna cotta -!

I look forward to planning a welcome meal for friends very soon... something worthy enough for our new, beautiful saucepan!

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