Saturday 5 November 2011

oven: conquered

Finally! After 8 cross months, a half decent cake.

I used to bake frequently, however since moving to this flat I have wrestled with this oven. This Freakin' Temperamental Stupid Oven, to give its full name. Cakes are either blasted in 30 mins or completely raw inside with a hardy crust outwith.

The gent's family are in town this weekend and I thought a cake would be cheering for anyone stopping by. By happy coincidence my favourite cake is easy to tweak, to make it gluten-free so everyone can have it: I hate having separate foods for different people, it feels so mean spirited. And anyway this is such a wonderful cake I would have this over a sponge any day. It is Nigella's 'damp lemon & almond' with adjustments. Easy, easy:

cream together 225g butter and sugar (I always use the unrefined, or golden, caster sugar. It is mad how set in your ways you can get with ingredients). Add in 4 big, free range eggs, one at a time; after each egg shake in a little brown rice flour. Just a scant tablespoon or so. At this point I was cross-eyed with love for my food mixer: hands free to work while someone else stirs!

Now add 250g ground almonds (if you grind them yourself the quantities will be a bit different); zest and juice of two unwaxed lemons; a little almond extract. Nigella uses almond essence, so Im not sure on measurements for essence: I used 'a tiny splash' then tasted to check.

50 mins in an unreliable oven, or whenever a knife comes out clean.

Very unfortunately trains seem to have major problems today so the gent's aunt & uncle are delayed for tea. This photo is evidence that, although a bit scorched, the cake did all right. We are sitting on our hands so there is some left for tomorrow.

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