I have the luxury of a whole garden day and, not wishing to interrupt the flow of clipping and weeding, ran down the hill for a sausage roll for lunch.
It is 3 years almost to the day since I first clapped eyes on my home, though it took much longer before I could move in. When a local business opened a Kickstarter campaign to open a community-focused local deli I gladly chipped in, hoping for some variety to the fried chicken shops. I love fried chicken but a deli would definitely add something useful!
And so it is that on days like today I can pick up a hot-from-the-oven sausage roll just 5 mins from home. I still don't have an oven of my own, so baked goods are such a treat right now. What a sausage roll it is: soft, plump, delicately flavoured. And the pastry! It is bigger than the picture but it didn't make it to the plate without being assaulted.
Its companions are fridge-foraged: a little brown rice and flash-fried courgette with garlic, chilli and a squeeze of lime. The drink is the taste of summer 2016: elderflower cordial, made last year with my parents.
Only another month or two before the elders flower, and it all begins again.