Thursday 20 October 2011

testing, testing...

I am typing - or perhaps I should say tapping - this out on a cute iphone and testing the blogger app.

If all goes to plan there will also be a photo of last nights supper. I knew even as I reached for the camera that this would be a rare case of the picture not telling a thousand words. In fact it tells you no more than three... but what a trio!

Carbonara, Spaghetti + Unctuous.

It also serves to remind me that I can actually make it quite well. It was a little heavy on nutmeg but I did it the Roy-patented-best-way; that is, with one egg + one egg yolk. Normally I forget about the yolk out of ingrained frugality (little-sister's theory is that this is a relic of our pseudo- 1950's upbringing) but being 9pm and hungry made me reckless. It was worth the angst.

The gent revived a delightful red wine from the previous night and we made merry, dissecting our evening watching a modern day 'animal vegetable, mineral'. Given this is the inaugural blog-by-app, I will push the techie boat out and give you the twitter hashtag: #museumsavm

I am not abandoning the big screen of computer just yet, but this app is a *very* handy alternative for a quick note to bloggy self.

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