Monday, 16 April 2012

lazy Sunday

We were very generously gifted an amazing chunk of iberico chorizo. Neither salami nor cooking sausage, it is instead a hybrid of the two: a thin slice can be eaten immediately, or cooked in a stew etc.

The flavour is a surprise. As salami it is really earthy and resiny, lower on the bright pimento taste we were expecting.

With such a powerful flavour I fried only a few slices for brunch, releasing that lovely orange chorizo fat which I then fried quail eggs in. The chorizo discs were put on top of toasted baguette, with the quail eggs perched on top of the chorizo.

The eggs were gratifying to cook, needing only to have the edge of the white flipped over the yolk to make a perfect, soft yolked parcel. So neat and so quick.

Coffee is often the high point of the day and today's post-brunch cup was, in Mary Poppins' parlance, practically perfect.

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